
P.U.S.H. - 21 Jun 2018

by Prayer Team on June 21, 2018

Prayer Until Something Happens - this week's prayer items...

  • Pray that the Lord break any stronghold of fear or doubt, shame or unbelief that weakens our walk and witness and that makes us so vulnerable to the wiles of Satan. Help us pray to resist the devil and to take every thought, that starts to drag us down, captive.. and to hand it to Jesus – for Jesus has not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, self-discipline and a sound mind.

  • Pray that all come to our Heavenly Father, in the precious name of Jesus Our Saviour, whose shed blood is all-sufficient and able to free us from the powers and strongholds that have enslaved us. In the name of Jesus ask that Jesus break the power of sin in our lives and the enslavement to all and any developed strongholds in each one of us. Thwart the evil plans and purposes that the enemy has toward any of us – knowing that Jesus is stronger and that the Lord has plans for each one of our lives, in perfect freedom, in Christ.

  • Pray a prayer of thanksgiving, to our Heavenly Father. Thank Him that it is by His Spirit that the strongholds of the enemy are routed and pray that He would use our prayers and praises to seek His will, so that the stronghold of the enemy in the lives of so many is weakened and torn down – for there are many that are subjugated by Satan’s cruel tactics. Pray that by the Holy Spirit they may be set free of the strongholds that ensnare and imprison any of our or their souls.

  • Lord, help us to pray to resist the devil, knowing that the Holy Spirit Who is living within each one of us is greater than all the combined forces in the satanic realm. Help us to pray to utilise every piece of the heavenly armour day by day, and to clothe ourselves in Christ, knowing that in Jesus we find our protection.. Jesus gives us the sufficiency to resist all the powers that are coming against use and those we love.

  • Lord Jesus, we pray that you help us to understand the strategies of Satan who seeks to minimise our effectiveness by causing us to doubt Your word, Your abilities and Your character and who even seeks to get us to question who we are in Christ. Lord we pray that our trust in You does not waver, for it is in Your power alone that the strongholds of Satan will crumble.

  • Abba Father, we pray that You keep us ever alert and aware to the advantage the enemy gains over us when we are not prepared for spiritual warfare. May we be clothed in Christ, constant in prayer and sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit - so that we may overcome the enemy – not by might, nor by power but by Your Spirit. We ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.

  • Continue to pray for "Lord, use me and change me. Lord, use Union Church and change Union Church," that has now reached 169 days. Amen.

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Tags: p.u.s.h., prayer, union church

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