

"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"



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U Matters

Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came down and the early church caught fire.Sunday at 5PM we will learn about the churches under fire in the Middle East. Canon Andrew White, the “Vicar of Baghdad,” will speak and answer questions. Every time I hear him my faith in Christ and compassion for hurting Christians grows. See you there!

Pastor Greg

This Week

This Sunday night at 5PM, Union Church is hosting Cannon Andrew White. What an honour for us to hear from one who has been called "the Vicar of Baghdad." He is a reconciler, influencer and agent of change for the Middle East.

Additionally, the Deacons are excited to be hosting a fundraiser to raise money for Iraqi Refugee children to attend school and invite you to participate. Join us for dinner at the LRC at 6:30PM and hear more. Tickets are required at HKD800.00 per person. Or come prepared to give to this projectthis Sunday during a worship service by putting your donation in the blue envelope. Additionally, if you would like to pledge for children to attend school, pledge forms will be available in the bulletinthis Sunday. Join us, as we attempt to make a difference and help us shape the future in the Middle East. Tickets are available this Sunday morning at the table in the foyer.

Silent Auction items, to raise funds for FRRME, will be displayed in the church foyer. Come and make a bid!



Ad Hoc Nominations Committee

To all members of Union Church, the Joint Leaders are forming an Ad Hoc Nominations Committee for the purpose of identifying candidates to join the Committee of Management mid-year prior to the next Annual General Meeting. The Ad Hoc Nominations Committee is to be comprised of the Senior Pastor, a member of the Deacons' Court, a member of the Committee of Management and ideally one committed member from each of the six Sunday worship services who is also a regular attendee at such service. Your participation will require one or two meetings at the most and directly help shape the current and future Committee of Management. If you are interested in becoming a member of this Ad Hoc Nominations Committee, please contact Steve Nutland (mob. 5193 4804) or Roy Huang (mob. 6050 8282).


Prayer for Union. Come lift up the needs of Union Church. Join us every Tuesday morning at7:30AM for a time of prayer in the Sanctuary.   


Griefshare: Have you lost a loved one or know someone who has? Join us for 4 weeks to learn about grief through an interactive DVD series. Experts speak on signs, symptoms, and the impact of grief. Join us Tuesdays 17, 24, 31 May and 7 Jun 7:30-9:00PM. Please see Pastor Michele and sign up at the Table on the Green.


Bible Series Talk - 'David the King: Gangster to Glory' - Pastor Matthew

  • Sunday, 5 Jun
  • Light refreshments 12:15PM
  • Talk and Small Groups 12:30PM to 1:30PM
  • Upper Annex

1-2 Samuel

One throne, one crown, myriad rivals. Let the games begin. Though the odds are always in favour of God's chosen, David must extort, maraud, and harry his path across the Promised Land.  His way is often our way: faithful in want, corrupt in exultation, yet redeemable.  We will follow the story of Israel's move from tribal confederacy to illustrious monarchy through the Bible's legendary statesman, the King of Spades. 


Small Group Leaders lunch and training Sunday, 12 Jun at 12:15-2:00PM. Join us as we discover new resources -"the peace making church." Great lunch, great fellowship, great opportunity to be together. RSVP and see Brenna and/or Pastor Michele for more details.

U-Family News

Please come and celebrate Matthew and Jolene's Blessing Ceremony and Potluck Reception on 28 May 2016.

Farewell Lunch
Save the date. On 5 Jun, we will be farewelling Lee Ann and Freddy McFarlane. Join us as we celebrate their ministry to us and with us. We will have a BBQ, all meat provided and if you are coming please bring salad or dessert. Lunch will be followed by a program. All welcome!



Wed, 18 May, 8:00PM (Refreshments at 7:30PM)

Do Humans Have A Spiritual Antenna?
What neuro-science is telling us about leadership is extraordinary and has massive implications for all leadership practitioners.Why do organisations with humility-based, servant leadership-type models outperform other firms? NeuroLeadership has an answer. During this talk Charles Caldwell will present headline insights about NeuroLeadership and raise provocative ideas of how science intersects with God. Come prepared to activate your spiritual antenna and sow leadership into your future.


This Friday, 13 May, we are having a 'Youth Open Mic Night!' Youth are invited to sing, dance, tell a joke, show a painting, read poetry, etc. Performance time is limited so please e-mail Brenna if you have an act you want to share, first come first serve! 

200kg and counting! Thank you to everyone who brought rice for 'Feeding Hong Kong', so far we have 200kg of rice! If you were not able to bring rice last Sunday, don't worry it’s not too late! We will be collecting unopened bags of rice this Sunday.

Kingdom Kids

Sunday School Dad’s Version  Thank you to all the Dads who took over Sunday School duties on Mother’s Day Sunday - Michael Witthoft, Harry Mak, Jeff Rotmeyer, Alfred Tam, Walter Wu, Paul Lundquist, Stephen Chen, Lloyd Ushe, Simon Chiu, Christopher Chua, Maurice Yeung, Steve Nutland, Kenneth Chiang, Jong Lee, Terence Teo, Patrick Wong and the youth who assisted these Dads - Bryan Sze, Elise Bland and Sarah Nutland. You were all amazing and we are so proud of you.
Mom’s Date This Saturday, 14 May from 2-5PM, mothers and children will gather for a lovely afternoon of art jamming, funky dance and tea time together at the Fellowship Hall. We still have some spaces left, please email us at if you would like to join us. See you on Saturday.

Outreach & Missions

Join us as we travel to Cambodia 24-26 June. Contact Sheryl Nutland or Lee-Ann for more info.



Last Week's Sermon

Please click on the link below to download

"Jesus: I Am the Light of the World?" by Pastor Greg Anderson


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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473