

"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"



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U Matters

Last week we witnessed the confirmation and baptism of an amazing group of young people. We sang along with a youth band and listened not only to Brenna but some of the young people share the sermon. We are so blessed!

This weekend I am away, officiating at a wedding and attending a reunion of a youth group at my old church in Ohio, USA. God has used these not-so-young-anymore people in strategic ways.  Some day we will be saying the same thing about the young people who led us in worship last week. Thank you Brenna and thank you Youth Group!

Pastor Greg

This Sunday

Guest Speaker at 9:30AM & 11AM Services - Rev. Dr. Paul Stevens
Rev. Dr. Paul Stevens has been a pastor for 20 years (Montreal and Vancouver), a student counsellor with Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship, a business person with Habitat Woodcraft, and a professor of Marketplace Theology and Leadership at Regent College, Vancouver, BC. His mission is to empower ordinary people to integrate their faith and life from Monday to Sunday. He does this through teaching, coaching, advocating and publishing. He recently published "Work Matters," "Service: Ministering with Hand and Heart," and "Entrepreneurial Leadership." 

Cambodia Weekend Mission Trip  This weekend, we have 20 members from Union Church in Cambodia working alongside FCOPI at the Bakou Church, an hour south of Phnom Penh. Please continue to lift them up in prayer as they serve the children through painting facilities, a VBS program, and their travel back to Hong Kong. 

Lily, and Jack, Rosey and Gus Henderson
Alison and Alex Middleton 
Cynthia and Meredith Lackey 
Gwen and Jesse Sheley, and Jack
Steve and Sheryl Nutland 
Rebekah Nutland, Sarah Nutland, Eliana Nutland, Abigail Nutland
Garland Wong and Zoey Lim
Maureen Ellis
Lee-Ann and Fred McFarlane

"The Joy of the Lord is our strength" Nehemiah 8:10

Opportunity at Union

Summer Kick Off BBQ 5:00PM   On Sunday, 5 July, we invite you to join us for a BBQ immediately following the  5:00PM evening service. We hope you can join. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends. Hope to see you. Questions please contact Pastor Michele and/or Grace Sui.

Welcome Lunch   New to Hong Kong? Feeling new at Union? Family away and feeling disconnected? Join us for lunch, immediately following the 11AM service on 5 July. Please sign up at Table on the Green. Contact Pastor Michele.

Ministry Opportunity   Like meeting new people? Like helping people? Consider helping at the Table on the Green. Pastor Michele needs a team for the morning services and would welcome help. Great benefits.

Ministry Opportunity   Want to be a part of our August Lunch Brunch? What is it you ask? See Pastor Michele.

2015 Church Directory  A copy has been mailed to your home if you have provided an address for us. Please check your mailbox. If you are listed in the directory but have not received a copy yet, please pick up at Table on the Green.

8:30am Worship Service will be on summer break in Jul and Aug. The final 8:30AM Service will be 28 Jun and will resume on 6 Sep.

Oasis - To Asia, From Christ (The Apocalypse Series)

Wed, 17 Jun, 8:00PM (Refreshments at 7:30PM)

The last book of the New Testament, Revelation or John's Apocalypse, surpasses other NT books for beauty and strangeness. Pastor Matthew will examine Revelation 2-3 (wherein Christ sends letters to seven city churches in Asia). We will discuss in groups: if Christ sent a message to the Hong Kong church, what would he say in an eighth letter to Asia? 


This Fri, 12 Jun, 6:00PM - 9:00PM - The Amazing (G)Race   All youth 11 to 18th are invited to join us for the fun and fellowship! Do you think you have what it takes to run this town?

Kingdom Kids

Sunday School Graduation!  14 Jun, 9.30AM, please join us in celebrating the 10 years old kids who will be graduating from Sunday School. 

Last Day of Sunday School & Father's Day.  21 June, will be the last Sunday School classes until the fall. We will also pay tribute to all the Father's in our church. 

Sunday School Year End Party!  28 June, kids are welcome to join us for games, snacks and movies. Please bring kids directly to the lower annex. 


Outreach & Missions

International Trips
China: Look out for a trip to Heng Yang in the Fall with International China Concern, 17-20 Sep
South Africa/Swaziland - Vacation with a Purpose, 16-23 Oct
We will be visiting the Town of Bulembu in Swaziland and serving the children through a VBS program and some light manual labour. Afterwards we will head to the world renowned Kruger National Park and look out for the Big Five - Elephant, Lion, Rhino, Leopard and Buffalo.  Interested? Contact Lee-Ann by end of JulyEstimated cost for Trip: HKD16,000

Last Week's Sermon

Please click on the link below to download

"A Message for Them, A Message for Me, A Message for We" by Brenna Dykman

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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473