

"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"



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U Matters

Lent began on Ash Wednesday (10 Feb), and will last for forty days ending Holy Saturday. The forty days represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, endured temptation and prepared for ministry. For the Christian Lent is a time for repentance, fasting and internal preparation for Easter.  It is often used as a time of self examination and self reflection. You may hear people mention that during this season they are going to 'give up something or give something of themselves' in an attempt to draw near to Christ. Lent can also be used as a time to prepare for Baptism, which will occur on Easter Sunday. As you prepare for Easter, to celebrate the greatest gift and sacrifice given, how will you engage with the season?

Please join us for a very special evening of prayer, "From Dust 'til Dawn" at 7:30PM on Thursday, 18 February. Those unable to attend are welcome to sign up via the online prayer vigil for this 24x7 prayer event. Pray below for more details!

Pastor Michele

This Sunday, 14 Feb

Name Brand Clothing Sale  Did you miss out on the winter sales!
On Sun, 14 Feb and Sun, 21 Feb 12:30PM-2:30PM, we will have an all church new clothes and shoes sale. Brands include Prada, Ermenegildo Zegna, Emilio Pucci, Ralph Lauren, and many others. All proceeds will benefit Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor (HKCNP).

Peace Box 2016 Campaign  Please pick up a Peace Box at the Kingdom Kids Table (in front of Lower Annex) to benefit the Hong Kong Poor.

Opportunities at Union


"From Dust 'til Dawn" ~ An Intimate Time of Prayer: Everyone is invited for a special 24 hour day of prayer commencing with an intimate and meaningful evening of prayer, "From Dust 'til Dawn" at 7:30PM on Thursday, 18 February. Following the prayer evening, individuals are invited to stay and pray throughout the evening into the dawn. The 24 hour prayer evening concludes at Youth Group on the Friday evening. Join us at anytime! 

Those unable to attend are welcome to sign up via the online prayer vigil for this 24x7 prayer event. Click here for the link:

Nominations for 2016 Committee of Management (CoM) are now open to the church. Members of 6 months and above, over 18 years of age and in good standing,  who wish to nominate a candidate for the 2016 CoM, please fill in a nominations form available from the church office and submit to the office, attention the Honorary Secretary. Nominations must be seconded by another voting member and have the agreement of the nominee.

Both candidate and nominee need to be over 18 years old, a member of more than 6 months and in good standing.  Nomination for CoM members will be closed on Sun, 6 Mar 2016.


The Challenge! Courageous Community All Church Retreat, 11-12 March 2016 
Dr. Rev. Jerry Root is coming back to Union! We will be housed at the beautiful Methodist Retreat Centre in Mui Wo. HKD400pp. Pick up an application form this Sunday at the Table on the Green. Youth and Children's ministries available. Contact Pastor Michele or Lee-Ann for more information.

Christian Education 

Lenten Series: The Lord’s Prayer Join us Wed, 24 Feb, 2 Mar, 9 Mar & 16 Mar as we learn more about the Lord’s Prayer and its implication for our lives. A light dinner will be served from 7:30 to 8:00PM and then our talk and small groups will go from 8:00 to 9:00PM. To register or for more information, please contact Brenna.


Wed, 17 Feb, 8:00PM (Refreshments at 7:30PM)

To launch the 'Read the Bible in 2016' challenge, Pastor Matthew will examine Genesis 1-11 and the book of Job, followed by a group discussion. All those (of all ages) who would like to discuss or learn about Genesis and Job are welcome to join.


Spring Mission Trip!  Fri, 25-31 Mar to Tacloban, Philippines to work with Kid’s International Ministry to build homes in the local community. We will work 4 days and then have one fun adventure day in Leyte, where students can choose between diving, the beach, or a jungle adventure. Early Bird Special $5,000 (Diving & Jungle Adventure Extra) if you register on or before 29 Jan. To register, email Brenna

Youth Confirmation Class This year's confirmation class will start 28 Feb at 11:00AM with an introductory meeting. Youth ages 13 and older who want to explore the Christian faith are invited to register for this 8-class course. Please register before 21 Feb with Brenna.  

Kingdom Kids

Peace Box 2016 Campaign  Kingdom Kids is participating in the Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor 2016 "Peace Box" Campaign and we hope to fill about 150 boxes with stationery, toiletries, clothing and toys for the underprivileged children and families in Hong Kong. Come and support this great cause by picking up a box or two at the Kingdom Kids Table (in front of Lower Annex) for the last two Sundays, 14 Feb and 21 Feb. Fill the box/es and return them on or before the 28 Feb, and these boxes will be presented to the designated families. For more information, please visit us at the Kingdom Kids Table and pick up the information leaflet or email us at
Sunday School Valentine’s Day Edition  Children ages 3-10 years old are invited to join us this Sunday at the Lower Annex for a special Valentine’s Day edition. There will be Children's Worship, Bible Memory Verse, prayer, Big Group Lesson on God’s Love, Group Games and Valentine’s Day craft making.
Sunday School Registration  If you are new to our church and would like to enroll your children in our Sunday School Program, please sign up here or in person by filling out the form available at the Table on the Green or on the Kingdom Kids Table in front of the Lower Annex on any SundayIf you have any questions, please contact us at 


Outreach & Missions

Participate in a mission trip with your family!!

Mongolia  Want an opportunity to get out your jackets, boots and scarves this year?  We will be heading to chilly Mongolia over Easter (Fri, 25 Mar - Tue, 29 Mar) to enjoy warm fellowship with our friends, Troy and Shari Tvrdik, who head up Flourishing Future - an NGO which works with impoverished families in Ulaan Bataar.

Costs (includes flights, accommodation, meals, excursion to a national park, and ground transport) - +/- HK$8620 Adults or HK$7620 for children under 12. These prices are subject to change depending on choice of accommodation. Please contact Lee-Ann if you have an interest or questions.

Philippines Our congregation has a longstanding friendship with the Bawing community in the Philippines, and generously sponsors students from the Shekinah Alliance Bible College. To celebrate their graduation, Marga Wulfgram has organized a trip​ from 29 Mar - 1 Apr.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet the students in the scholarship program, visit homes of church members from Bawing village, enjoy a memorable time at an ICM jumpstart pre-school and enjoy wonderful fellowship with each other over tasty Filipino meals. Approx cost: HK$5,500 (depending on airfare). ​Please contact Marga​ Wulfgram for more info.

Cambodia June trip (dates TBC)

Small Group and Study

Small Group Leaders Training  Are you a small group leader or thinking of becoming one? Join us for lunch and training on Sun, 21 Feb.

Time: 12:30PM-2:15PM (right after church)

Three 20 minute Seminars:

  • Why do we do what we do? - a theology of small groups by Brenna Dykman
  • Teaching the Bible for Small Groups - Pastor Matthew
  • Small Group Dynamics -Pastor Michele

New Study "Biblical Peacemaking: Applying the Gospel to Conflicts of Daily Life"
Conflict is an opportunity to glorify God, and grow to be like Christ. Come join the ladies group on Friday mornings in the Upper Annex 10AM-11:30AM for this new series. “Blessed are the Peace makers” Contact Pastor Michele.


Last Week's Sermon

Please click on the link below to download

"Kingdom Economics" by Pastor Matthew Fredericks


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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473