

"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"



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U Matters

This week I attended a pastor’s conference. Bill Teng, a former Union Associate Pastor and I had a chance to catch up. He sends his greetings and congratulations for moving forward on rebuilding.

Congratulations to Roy Huang, the new COM Chairman. He is a hero of mine and I can’t wait to work with him and learn from him.


Union Church Membership 

We don’t want to miss you. If you would like to be a member at Union Church and haven’t made it official, we will be presenting another group on Sunday, 25 May. Please contact Pastor Michele if interested.

2014 Church Directory Update *Last Call*

This is the last Sunday! Please stop by the Directory Table to update or confirm your contact details. A photographer will stand by to take your pictures for the directory. Members as well as regular attendees are welcome to have their details included.

Welcome Lunch 

Sunday, 25 May, 12:15PM

Welcome to Union Church! If you are new or feel new we would like to meet you! Please join us for lunch "on the house". Great homemade cooking and a chance to meet ministry leaders and staff. Sign up at Table on the Green or see Pastor Michele.


Wednesday, 14 May, 8:00PM

Steve Nichol, a Senior Training B777 Captain for Cathay Pacific Airways, will speak on faith and flying.


The Amazing [G]race! On 18 May, during the missions opportunity fair we will be sending our students (11-18yrs) on a mission of their own. They will run the streets on a scavenger hunt finding clues and taking names to see who comes out on top! 12:30PM until 5:30PM, ends with a grill out at Union-families of U’th are welcome to come. 


Pray Go Connect Missions Sunday 18 May - Engage Your World! 

Join us for this special Outreach-Focused Sunday. Explore a unique Opportunities Fair between 10:00AM -2:00PM with international food and activities for children. Stay behind for lunch after 11AM service or snacks after 9:30AM. Wear your international dress or traditional costume to celebrate our diversity.

Weekly Ministries

Men's Fraternity meets every Sunday, 8:00AM with a parallel session on Monday evenings at 7:30PM. We are studying The Quest for Authentic Manhood to learn how to be the best husbands, fathers, friends and sons of God we can be. Come join us--it's never too late! For more information, please contact Charles Schmitt:; +852 9406 8342

Last Week's Sermon

Please click on the link below to download

"Working Out" by Pastor Greg Anderson

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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473