Parables of Jesus in Luke Study

2 April, 2023 12:30pm

Pastor Michele is leading a study for all in the church who wish to learn more about the Parables of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. The group will meet on Sundays from 12:30 to 1:45pm in Rooms 2 & 3. Enjoy a light lunch as you explore the Parables - relatable stories Jesus told to share profound spiritual truths with people.

Pastor Michele welcomes newcomers to this study! We are delighted to be using resources from the ONE2023 campaign, joining churches across the city and world this Lenten season. 

What: 4 sessions of study - The Parables of Jesus in Luke
When: 5, 12, 19 March & 2 April
Time: 12:30 - 1:45pm
Where: Rooms 2 & 3, Union Church Hong Kong

Please register below so that we may plan for the lunches. 

(Note that similar studies will be offered to Young Adults and Men online. Explore the full Lent and Easter programmes offered by Union Church.)

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