U Matters

U Matters - 4 November 2021

by Rev Dr Michele Bland on November 04, 2021


In our staff meeting we read the Gospel of John where Jesus fed 5000 people with five barley loaves and two fish. Scripture states, “Then Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also, the fish, as much as they wanted.” (John 6:11)  If you have ever hosted an event and run out of food, you know this would have been an overwhelming situation - all those people and so little provision. The gap was great - it would have taken more than six months' wages to feed that many people. But God provided. And when Jesus sees God’s provision, how did He respond? He gave thanks. Jesus gave thanks even for a small piece of bread. 

We have so much to be thankful for. This week 20 leaders were able to go onsite at 22A Kennedy Road, and although restricted in number, we held a mini service of Celebration and Thanksgiving. I am grateful for our church, for all those who are praying and serving. This re-development project is no small undertaking and I give thanks for our BUFF team. I am also grateful for the servant-leadership of our COM, Deacons, Trustees and staff - and look forward to the many celebrations to come.

As we begin a new sermon series - GRATEFUL, we hope you join us and take time to reflect on what you are grateful for. 

In gratitude, Pastor Michele

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