

"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"



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U Matters

The earthquake in Nepal, Christian persecution in the Mid-East, and the rioting in Baltimore remind us that life is a constant stream of natural and human-made disasters. Meanwhile, we pray and remember Psalm 46:1, 2: "God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the sea."

Pastor Greg

Helping Hands for Nepal

We will be taking up a special offering for Nepal next Sunday, 10 May. Please prayerfully consider how you can give towards this great need.

Disaster Kits

We will also be collecting Hygiene bags and Kitchen bags to send to Nepal with Crossroads. Please pick up a sheet at the Table on the Green or click here to see which items are needed. Bags can be brought to the church on Sunday and to the office during the week.

Courses / Workshop

Faith in the Workplace Workshop  **THIS SUNDAY** 
Our deacon, Andrew Chua is starting a series of four workshops this Sunday, 3 May after 5PM service, 6:15PM-7:15PM. These four workshops (3, 10, 17, 24 May) are based on more than twenty years of grappling with and living out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the workplace. You will find these workshops helpful if:

  • your work life and your spiritual life seem to be disconnected or compartmentalized
  • you feel oppressed and stressed out at work or 
  • you just want a better understanding of what the Bible teaches about the workplace and your role as follower of Jesus in it.

The workshops will be interactive in nature and will enable you to take practical steps in living out your faith at work. You are welcome to attend all or some of the workshops. For more information, please click here or see the brochure at Table on the Green. 

Recovery from Divorce and Separation Course  Thursdays, 30 April-11 June7:00-9:30PM at Union Church, followed by a social dinner. This 7-week course is an opportunity to move forward from the hurt of the past towards rebuilding life. Cost $400/person, includes supper each course evening and materials. For details and registration, please click here or pick up a flyer at the “Table on the Green”.

Baptism  If you are interested in baptism, join us Mondays, 11 and 18 May 7:30-9:00PM. Please see Pastor Michele.

Membership  Next class will be held on Monday 8 June, 7:30-9:00PM.

Grief Share  If you have lost a loved one or know someone who has, then this is for you. Come learn about grief through experts who know the pain and challenges of loss. Sessions will include thematic DVD talks on various aspects of grief. As grief is work, creating a safe space for listening and sharing will be encouraged. Join us Tuesdays 5, 12, 19 & 26 May and 2 Jun7:30-9:00PM and bring a friend. See Pastor Michele for more information.


Wed, 06 May, 8:00PM (Refreshments at 7:30PM) 

Mr. Lee F. Yih will speak on the Parable of Minas from Luke 19:11-27. Mr. Lee is a graduate of UC Berkeley, Dallas Theological Seminary, and the Stanford Business School. He has worked in Private wealth management at Goldman Sachs in San Francisco and Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong. He and his wife, Miltinnie, lived in Hong Kong with their three children from 1985 to 2002.


Please note that due to public holiday, there is no youth this Friday, 1 May. Youth will resume as normal on Friday, 8 May.

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids has been blessed tremendously with the high number of attendance this past few weeks. We had around 158 kids just last week!

Matthew 9:37; "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers, into his harvest field."

We ask that you prayerfully consider joining our loving and dedicated Children Ministry team. To volunteer, please contact us at 

Outreach & Missions

Please click here for our monthly newsletter.  

International Outreach

12 -14 June  Come fly with us to Cambodia!  We will be spending time at the children’s home we support as a Church. Open to all ages. Contact Sheryl Nutland or Lee-Ann McFarlane for more information.

Last Week's Sermons

Please click on the link below to download

"Overflowing with Hope" by Pastor Greg Anderson

"On Earth as it is in Heaven" by Andrew Chua


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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473