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U Matters

Plans are falling into place for a series of events in August to help us “finish well” in our current facility. Watch this space.  Meanwhile, please visit the BUFF table to see how you could sponsor something in the new facility.  As part of the BUFF building fund, a list of 41 items that would give you a chance to meet a very concrete and pressing need in the new facility.  There is something in everyone’s giving budget.
This Sunday we celebrate the graduation of 22 children from Sunday School to Youth.  We will honour the playgroup teachers who have taken a great ministry and made it even better. There will be a chance to say goodbye to some dear friends moving on from Hong Kong.
After the 11AM service, there will be the End of the Year BBQ.  Meat will be provided but we ask you to bring a salad or dessert.
Pastor Greg

This Week

Sunday School Student Graduation
On this Sunday, 11 June, children born in the year 2006 will be graduating from Sunday School and we will have a short graduation ceremony at the 11.00 AM service. Please join us as we bless these children on their next journey in seeking Christ through the youth program. 

Annual Summer Kick Off BBQ, Sunday 11 June, 12:15PM
Fellowship Hall, Courtyard & Kitchen
Please join us for our annual tradition - please bring a salad or dessert, your family and your appetite! If you are interested in being part of our BBQ team please see Pastor Michele.

Solomon's Book of Proverbs, Sunday 11 June Sunday 12:30PM
Final Class by Pastor Matthew
RSVP for Chicken, Potatoes, Ratatouille, and Brownies.


UCare Phone Calls From now until Friday, 16 June Pastors, Ministry Directors, Deacons, CoM and BUFF Leaders will reach out to you with a personal phone call and ask you about your greatest needs from Union Church and any concerns you have. We are looking forward to talking to you!


Family Matters

Family in Need (FIN): Sometimes life throws us challenges and we need to reach out for help. If you need spiritual, emotional, physical, and/or financial help please contact Pastor Michele and/or members of the FIN Team Charles Schmitt, Isabel Morrison, and Jean De Groot. To maintain accountability, we ask that requests come through this group. If someone in need approaches you for financial assistance, please refer them to the Pastors or the FIN Team.


Essential Oils of the Bible, Wednesday 14 June 8:00-9:30PM
Come and learn about God's natural medicine and learn about the healing benefits of essential oils. 
Speaker:  Anita Cheung
Founder and Chief Practitioner of i-Detox and one of Hong Kong's leading holistic health practitioners and Alison Middleton, Health and wellbeing coach, to learn about how you can use these ancient oils today to help promote and protect your own health and that of your family. 

Fellowship Brunch after 8:30AM Service, Sunday 25 June
Let's celebrate the 8:30 service together!
Brunch will be served on the Union Church Green after our service. It is prepared with joy and love by the Bradsher Family. Let's rejoice together in Jesus's name with strawberries, scones and clotted cream. And let's celebrate the next phase of BUFF development. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Farewelling Pastor Matthew, Sunday 25 June 12:20-1:20PM
Sunday 25 June is Pastor Matthew's last Sunday with us.  We will be hosting a lunch from 12:20 to 1:20PM to celebrate his five year ministry at Union Church.  If you would like to share in the meal, please bring a dish of food to contribute. 

Prayer for Union Come lift up the needs of Union Church. Join us every Tuesday morning at 7:30AM for a time of prayer in the sanctuary.  


Regular Friday Youth Group
Juniors meet from 6:00 to 8:00PM, Seniors meet from 7:30 to 9:00PM, with optional hang out in the Youth Lounge after until 10:00PM.

Youth Sunday Life 
9:30-10:30AM, Youth Lounge
Sunday Life at 9:30AM. All ages will meet in the Youth Lounge to play games, have fellowship and watch the next NOOMA video. This NOOMA video is titled "Today" and asks some challenging questions about how we can be more present in our day to day lives, as opposed to getting stuck in the past.

NEXT FRIDAY: End of the Year Party
16 June will be our End of the Year Party! This will be a great time to get together and celebrate the year as a whole. In addition we’ll have the chance to say goodbye (and congratulations) to our graduating seniors, while welcoming the upcoming Youth from Children’s Ministry!
ALL Parents are warmly invited and encouraged to join the party!

Youth activities
Are you a youth and want to be involved in our youth group? Check out the many ways you can be involved:
-Friday Night Youth Group: fellowship night every Friday at Union Church
-Sunday Life: Bible teaching, small groups conversations on Sunday morning
-Cooking Ministry: cooking a good meal for the group on Friday Night
-Youth Band: Worship Team, 1hour practice every Friday
-Christian Clubs: student fellowship at 2 international schools; WIS on Fridays, HKIS High School on Wednesdays.

Questions? Email

Kingdom Kids

Dad’s Date
Please Save the date, 18 June for Dad’s Date. In celebrating Father’s Day, Kingdom Kids is organising an afternoon of activities for all the Fathers and children of Union Church. It will take place at the Fellowship Hall from 12.15 PM. Light lunch will be provided. Please sign up at or at the Kingdom Kids Table if you would like to join us. 

End Of Year Party
On Sunday, 25 Jun, children are invited to join us for some fun games and pizzas as we celebrate the end of our Sunday School year. There will be some water games and extra pair of clothes for change may be required. 

VBS Sunday School
Kingdom Kids invite all children ages 3 to 11 years old for our “Maker Fun Factory” VBS Summer Sunday School. We’ve got fun wrapped up for 5 Sundays in the summer, 30 July, 6, 13, 20, 27 Aug at 9:30AM & 11:00AM service. Maker Fun Factory is filled with incredible Bible learning experiences, cool worship songs, Science-Fun Gizmos, team building game and tasty treats. Registration is now open and volunteers from 11 years old above are needed. Please register HERE or sign up at the Kingdom Kids table in front of the Lower Annex. 

Sunday School 2017/2018 Registration 
Sunday School Registration for academic year 2017/2018 is now open. In order to help us plan our program well and serve your family better, we would appreciate it if you could kindly register your children HERE. All children enrolling in our Sunday School and Crèche Center MUST BE REGISTERED by filling in and signing the Registration Form. For more information, please visit Union Church's website or contact us at or 2101 0414.


All-Church Mission Trip to Manila, October 2017
Sign-up now for Union Church’s annual All-Church Mission Trip to Manila in partnership with Kids International Ministries (KIM).
Everyone is welcome to join: KIM is baby and youth friendly! 
The dates of the trip are 29 September to 02 October 2017, but you can also extend your stay in the Philippines if you want to! The current early-bird price for the trip is $4200.
Unaccompanied youth will stay 3 more days with Anto (until 05 October, price: $5600) to enjoy a visit of Puerto Galera. Contact
o register. 

Last Week's Sermon

Please click on the link below to download

"Pentecostby Pastor Matthew Fredericks

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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473