Our Team

Chris McKenzie


Ever since leaving my hometown of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada to participate in a youth ministry programme with Youth For Christ Northern Ireland my heart has been captivated by the global experience. When my wife, Nevada, said yes twenty plus years ago I’m sure she had no idea we’d be on a mission that would take us all around the world. We’ve followed God’s lead to Taiwan, where Nevada taught music and I pastored; we returned to Canada where she taught music and I completed my MA in Theological Studies at Regent College in Vancouver; and for the past four years we’ve been in Hong Kong where she teaches music at ICS and I’ve been working part-time on recovering after some of life’s blows had knocked me down and I’ve been working part time at ICS as a Digital Content & Marketing officer. Along the way, we added two amazing kids to Team McKenzie: Gemma (17) and Guinness (14).

As a global citizen I’ve experienced the great value of digital communication. It started with my first Hotmail account, and moved through various phases of Blogspot, Flickr, WordPress, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Skype, FaceTime and of course the latest programme that we all have a love/hate relationship with, Zoom. Maintaining connection to the people most special to me wouldn’t be possible without all of these technologies. It is my hope that we can learn to leverage these digital tools to help us connect and engage with a greater church community. Our neighbours are no longer simply those in our physical surroundings; our community and mission extend into the global digital neighbourhood that we’re all a part of. 

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