U Matters

U Matters - 6 May 2021

by Pastor Michele on May 06, 2021


Last Sunday, we commissioned six new Stephen Leaders. This is great news for Union Church! Stephen Leaders are people who will organise, train, recruit and supervise existing Stephen Ministers. These leaders have had an additional 25 hours of training, on top of the 50 hours of training that they received as a Stephen Minister. I am grateful for each one of them, as it will enable us to grow and develop this ministry. Our new Stephen Leaders are: Trudy Staalman, Catriona Woodrow, Monte Peterson, Crystal Lo, Ellen Ahn and Tess Lyons.

At present, we have 17 Stephen Ministers and these Stephen Ministers give one-to-one Christ-centred care to people in need. You might be asking what is a Stephen Minister? One way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the After People.

Stephen Ministers are there:

. . . after the phone call you hoped you’d never get.

. . .. after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.

. . . after the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life.

. . . after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.”

. . . after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty.

. . . after the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.

. . . after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.

. . . after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.

. . . after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out.

Stephen Ministers are the After People. They are ready to come alongside you—or your friends, neighbours, co-workers, or relatives—and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed. www.stephenministries.org

If you are wanting to know more—to become a Stephen Minister or to receive a Stephen Minister—I would be more than happy to help.

Blessings, Pastor Michele

Jesus instructed his disciples to “love one another as I have loved you” John 13:34

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