
P.U.S.H. - 30 Jan 2015

by Prayer Team on January 30, 2015

Prayer Until Something Happens - this week's prayer items....

  • Pray for those who are struggling with life events, illness, career changes, loss of loved ones. May they find comfort and direction in the Lord. Give praise for the blessings we receive from the Lord.
  • Pray for the BUFF team as they plan for the next steps of redevelopment. Pray for approvals from the relevant government departments.
  • Please join us for an Evening of Prayer. You are invited to lift up Union Church in prayer and pray for the BUFF project. Join us on Tuesday, 3 February from 7:30-9:00pm. Bring a friend to the event and pray for the event’s success.

If you wish someone to pray with you, please feel free to pray with one of the Deacons or intercessors at the front of the sanctuary after the services. For prayer request, please email to  .


Tags: union church, blog, prayer matters

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