
P.U.S.H. - 30 Jan 2014

January 30, 2014

Prayer Until Something Happens - this week's prayer items...

  • Pray for the Chinese New Year holiday. Give praise that in all cultures the New Year means a chance for a fresh start and a new beginning.  Pray especially for our Chinese brothers and sisters as they celebrate Chinese New Year that they will come into a deeper knowledge of Christ. Pray for the hope of renewal of goodness and health in hearts be for the purpose of motivating people to learn more about Jesus.  Give praise that it is possible for people to have new life in a relationship with Him that brings prosperity to our souls.
  • Pray for travel mercies as families and friends vacation during the Chinese New Year holidays.
  • Pray for an easing of tensions in conflict areas, especially in Bangkok. Pray for world leaders to discern and achieve peaceful outcomes.

Tags: union church, blog, p.u.s.h, prayer

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