
P.U.S.H - 28 Aug 2015

by Prayer Team on August 28, 2015

Prayer Until Something Happens - this week's prayer items... 

  • Pray for those experiencing storms in their lives. Pray that they rest in the Lord and find strength.
  • Pray for those going through changes in life. Give praise for the Lord "who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself." Philippians 3:21
  • Pray for those returning from summer travel and vacation. Pray that they settle back into Hong Kong life peacefully and easily.
  • Pray for missionaries worldwide - that they stand in God's armour and that their service as servants of God be not in their own strength but in the grace and strength of the LORD. Pray for the missionary's protection from evil and that their daily needs be provided.

If you wish someone to pray with you, please feel free to pray with one of the Deacons or intercessors at the front of the sanctuary after the services. For prayer request, please email to

Tags: blog, prayer matters, union church

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