
P.U.S.H - 14 Aug 2015

by Prayer Team on August 14, 2015

Prayer Until Something Happens - this week's prayer items...

  • Pray for the people of Tianjin, especially those who lost their loved ones, or been injured, from the devastating explosions from this past week. Many individuals have been directly or indirectly affected by this tragedy. Pray also for insight and knowledge for authorities to identify the cause of the explosions. Pray for peace and calm as everyone awaits answers. Pray for those worldwide experiencing similar disasters regardless of size or scale. 
  • Pray for the kick-off of a new year at Union Church and programs such as What's Cookin' at Union, UC Masterchef, Kingdom Kids, Youth Group and Alpha Course. 
  • Pray for those who are in various states in their walk with the Lord. Whether jumper, wader, or decliner,pray that people draw closer to Jesus through Union Church and its community.
  • Pray for those returning from summer travel and vacation. Pray that they settle back into Hong Kong life peacefully and easily.
  • Pray for the Building Union For the Future project and that God's will be done. 
  • "Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep." Romans 12:15
If you wish someone to pray with you, please feel free to pray with one of the Deacons or intercessors at the front of the sanctuary after the services. For prayer request, please email to

Tags: blog, prayer matters, union church

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