
P.U.S.H. - 10 Feb 2017

by Prayer Team on February 09, 2017

Prayer Until Something Happens - this week's prayer items...

  • Today is Prayer Sunday! While Intercessors are always available to pray with you following the services, the second Sunday of each month will now be Prayer Sunday with a big emphasis on prayer. We encourage you to come forward at the end of the service today for prayer and praise of any kind.
  • Pray for those who are experiencing challenges and difficulties. Pray that they find strength in their faith and pray the enemy is unable to plant offence in people's hearts. Pray people are mindful of the Fruits of the Spirit when resolving differences.
  • Give praise that the Lord has answered many prayers of healing and some of our friends have been discharged from the hospital, well on the mend. Yet, there is a season to everything and we still have friends who are coping with death in their families or family and friends who are very ill. Pray for the Lord to walk beside these individuals. Pray for comfort where comfort is needed and healing where healing is needed.
  • Pray for rest and rejuvenation. As we exit the Chinese New Year holidays and return to the rat race, pray that people stay restored and refreshed through on-going rest and quiet time. Pray for the BUFF Project leaders to be protected and rested. Give praise for the many hours of hard work invested in the redevelopment project.

We encourage you to find comfort in prayer. If you have a prayer request, please send it to:  .

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